Upload scanned copy of consolidated mark sheet, degree, passport size picture, cnic copy along with the fee submission screenshot *

Special Consideration

Graduates before 2011 will submit 25% 0f their previous years and may join POTA after paying the cumulative amount of the remaining years up till now Graduates from 2011 and onward will submit 50% of their previous years and may join POTA from the current year.
The good standing certificate is mailed to only those member who are regular. The year mention in the certificate will be the current year only
Being POTA registered member, I confirm I will:
  • Personally complete all course tests without the help or help of someone else.
  • Not finish or present a test in the interest of someone else.
  • Maintain just a single client account and not let any other individual utilize my username as well as password.
  • Not take part in any movement that would untrustworthily improve my outcomes, or improve or hurt the consequences of others.
  • Not take part in any deceitful or criminal behavior related to my POTA account.
  • Professional Fee 2400RS per year.

In case of misconduct POTA reserve its rights for actions to be taken regarding official registration.