

A treatment that is evolving with the passage of time with the increase of demand, due to aging baby boomer population , physical and physiological changes across the life span due to illness, disaster or any injury.

Continued Education Program

POTA realize the need of continued educational programs in order to promote evidence base practice and upgrade professionals according to the demand of era and contemporary issues.

There will be certificate courses, diplomas and post graduate certificate programs with national and international collaboration of institute.

Apart from professional skill development, it is observed that leadership and administrative along with health management skills is another area to be enhanced that will promote empowerment among professional and young entrepreneurs will emerge with innovative ideas

The year 2020 will give you certified courses from POAT in the field of

  • Leadership and management
  • Case study writing
  • Tele occupational therapy course
  • Project management in occupational therapy

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Get in Touch

For registration, course outline and further queries, please contact us at our given email and contact. For feedback or critic fill the box to your right.



